So the doe is in the Buffalo cane and didn't run out in the DC Field to the corn.
Got my eyes going back on her hoof scent trail.
She had to hit the flat shelf on the wooded side of the DC on the river.
Bout 3 or 4 mins later I got back line about 85 95 yds out coming from the rolling cedars.
Scoping it out.
No shots
Blow downs , Briars, brush.
See nose to the ground and brown antler.
This is your mistake bud you gotta hit these hardwoods where I kicked down some dead timber and trimmed a couple of shooting lanes in addition to mother nature's shooting lanes day 1 when I was out here then bugged the fuuuk out.
Sunavabtych pegs about 80 yds out
picking up something on my human outline.
Starts blowing 5 or 6 times while doing a dogleg turn to get to the Buffalo cane.
Thinking he is slick going behind a couple of blow downs about 110 yds out along the Cumberland.

You still gotta cross the open hardwoods andat least 3 shooting lanes.

He calms down eyes focused on the Buffalo cane
and moving his head slowly side to side nose up a little trying to wind his doe.

Tracking him in the scope. Moving kinda oblique away in the hard woods
Got the gun on the cat pole monopod.
Both elbows on both thighs.
On that 1st shooting lane about 95 105 yds out.
He hits the lane.
I put a heart shot on him.
Drops his head low
Just did about a 8ft bounce down below veiw onto the shelf.
No normal rear feet kick up or out from a heart shot.
Seen that alot.
Way he dropped his head at the shot is also a good sign of a heart shot also .

Smoked 2 ciggs.
Knew he as dead.
You never made it to that Buffalo cane.....
You gave me your one mistake
Went over, he went about 30 yds and crumpled up on the shelf in some open briars.

Faced north.
Said a word or two to Sky 6 ( god) of thanks.

Called up slumlord told I just shot a nice 130 135 ish score 10pt and he would get a pic in a few.
And then we can coordinate getting it outta the woods.

Rest is basically posted in this thread already
Taking the day off tomorrow.
Supposed to rain tomorrow night.
Be out Saturday see what some weekend pressure can do from everyone else to the west.
Maybe that blonde racked buck will make a mistake.
Monday is duck season.
Maybe the gunfire and human presence on the DC might push stuff out of the woods along Cumberland on the DC towards me thru the Buffalo cane into the hardwoods in that NE corner.
Or directly across the DC green field onto me.
But tomorrow is rest day and on call assistance to slumlord when that call comes which has been on always.
