Roundoak getting smoked out was fuuuuking awesome.
Never really interacted or paid attention to the guy.
Lotta spidey senses got tingled by many over the years in other forums it seems from when I read the 2 threads.
Got told via text by slumlord about the threads.

About a day or 2 prior had seen some innuendo drops about him up here, but wasn't tracking on what it was about.

Then went and checked it out after the slumlord text

Hillestadj did a excellent assassination job on roundoak.


Still wondering if roundoak is one of those upstanding members on that exclusive 24hr book of face group.
Surely he had all the pre qualifiers he spun up over the years it seems...

Big buck kills
Liberal Socialist Democrat from what some are saying on this thread also.

Sounds like a shoe in for the 24hr Book of face elites to me.



Last edited by renegade50; 12/04/22.