At a time when history is being redefined to suit the political narrative it's interesting to see some in academia needing to go "underground" to keep the truth alive. Go to any colonial era historical site in the eastern U.S. and you'll leave with the impression that every waking moment of the colonial era was dedicated to figuring out how to exploit black people, whether or not there were actually any there at the time. Look at the vitriol thrown at Dr. James Watson when he made the statement that due to genetics Africans are less intelligent than Westerners, something that is observably true. Dr. Watson discovered DNA, he literally wrote the book on genetics and he was called an idiot by many in academia who don't have 1/1000th the credibility he does on the subject. They dismissed his observation out of hand because it doesn't agree with their politics, then labeled one of the world's foremost scientists an idiot and "cancelled" him. Climate change, Covid, you name it, everything is politicized to the point where nothing can be studied without the results being filtered to provide the correct political outcome. Science can't survive in that environment, real scientists are going to have to go underground like the French resistance in WWII.