Stopping all this is a simple solution....

Its just that NO ONE will stand up, organize and start doing it...

like throwing these people out of office to begin with and then doing street justice for their election fraud activities, that got them into office in the first place....

its not that Potlandia controls the entire state, by getting more people out voting...

NO, its because the democRATS in Potlandia, and Screw'em/ Salem control all the election ways of Fraud...
supported by most of the media, one dirty hand washes/ dirtys the other....

Its not that hard to figure out.. Its just those on the right, keep trying to play Mr Nice Guy...and wonder why they keep losing " just by a hair" each obvious, Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see it...

and its the fault of the right, for continuing allowing it to happen over and over.....

I'll bet this Ballot Issue 114, never really got passed legitimately.. nor Tina Kotex was elected governor legitimately.. how obvious does election fraud have to be.... to be seen by those on the right.. or is it the right has no real clue what to do about it..., which would make the problem their fault.

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez