Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
Originally Posted by gregintenn
Tell me again how homosexuality isn’t a mental illness. Do those two look like they have any trace amount of sanity between them?
Gays and their devious behavior are NOT the problem. It's the rest of society not being accepting of their gayness . We need to rid the Earth of testosterone, toxic masculinity , racism etc . You get the idea . If you're not sure what to think about our society , just turn on Fox News. You'll be straightened out.

And one of the first things to do is stop misusing the word “gay”. It is a misnomer applied to persons who engage in activities previously studied in Abnormal Psychology. Specifically males who engage in anal intercourse with other males, and who engage in oral sex with other males. The correct term is “homosexual”. Most of the US population has been conditioned to believe “they’re just gay”, as if they are just happy and carefree and enjoying life. Not quite the same as dipping your dick in the poop chute. But we just don’t want to talk about that. It’s embarrassing.

You see, too many have succumbed to the old trick of telling a lie until it’s accepted as truth. It’s time we took back our lanquage even if it’s one word at a time. “Gay” is slang lending a positive connotation to acts most find disgusting. If the word changers want to use slang then I get to say “fa ggot” and other choice synonyms. We should not surrender accurate speech and accept propaganda.

(Interestingly enough I initially spelled “fa ggot” without the space and it was bleeped. “Gay” on the other hand was acceptable. See what I mean?)

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."