Originally Posted by BobMt
.I think repubs dont rally around the candidate like the dems do....repubs like to think they have lofty ideals....so if our guy is not in lockstep with their way of thinking...they stay home.

as I said before if they have an r by their name thats how I vote...doesn't mean I like it every time....bob

That's exactly right. Democrats vote for the Democrat candidate no matter how bad they might be, while there are a lot of GOP/Conservatives who believe that their "ideals" trump everything else, and refuse to vote for a candidate what they don't agree with 100%.

I didn't like McCain or Romney, but I voted for them because they were a better choice than Obama, ever how slight that may have been. I don't care for Trump, but I've voted for him twice, and will do so again if he's the candidate. Sometimes, there are things that are bigger than what you think about it.

Walker was a terrible choice as a candidate for senator, and should never have gotten that far, but he would have been better for the country than the commie Warnock. That election is strictly on the GOP voters in Georgia, and on no one else.

Last edited by JamesJr; 12/07/22.