---Disclosure: This is for a work of fiction so I am not limited to what is in my gun-safe---

Background: A normal kid goes on a white-water rafting trip with a bunch of yuppies.
Firearms are not allowed.
He brings one anyway and carries it in a fanny-pack (swung around so it is in front of him).
The river is in West Virginia.
The only restrictions is that the weapon must be commonly available and must be small and light enough to carry in a fanny pack with enough room left over for a water-bottle, paracord and all of the other stuff a normal person would carry with them. Keep in mind that this weapon might go swimming.

Make, chambered-in, barrel length, how many reloads?

My inclination is a stainless steel Ruger SP101 with a 2" or 3" barrel chambered in .357 Mag. with three reloads in speed-strips.

Can you help me out with some other alternatives?

I am a conservative with a lowercase "c".