Poot Carr: That indeed was/is a fantastic book!
In fact it was a New York Times "Best Seller" and "Book of the Year" by two other prestigious Academic Societies.
I loved that book and related very closely to the humble beginnings of most all the rowers and their parents.
I was born within rock throwing distance of the lake the University of Washington Crew trained in and lived thereabouts for 50 years.
Eventually I became a Seattle Police Officer and when I had enough seniority I applied to work the Harbor Unit and after a time I qualified and was accepted there.
I worked the graveyard shift and at first light the University of Washington crews could be seen rowing their guts out in the cold damp air most every day.
That 1936 Olympic Gold Medal winning "shell" was on display in the University of Washington Crew Boat House.
I have seen and admired it many times in the distant past (last time 1997).
I constantly admired the dedication those young crew members displayed in their training and in their many competitions that I saw and worked at.
I have loaned my copy of "Boys In The Boat" to numerous friends and relatives and to a person they all agreed on what an absolutely outstanding book it is.
Stroke, stroke, stroke!
Hold into the wind