Top two blade blanks are pending new for 2023. Lite Semi Skinner and Snub Nose.

The 2023 build will be focused on the patterns shown on the left side.
1. Bully Bob
2. Bob
4. 5" Boning Knife
6. MI Slim---Original and Drop Point
11. Snub Nose-----aka Mannlicher's small knife
12. Lite Semi Skinner

Some left over blades from previous grinds pictured on the right side will be available.
Currently not planning on making more of these than what is on hand and available now.
3. TB45
5. DP-8
7. Hill Country
8. 5" Skinning Knife
10, Clip Bob

I have received some S35VN sheets and I am putting a scheme together for amount of each pattern to be cut out.


Last edited by michiganroadkill; 12/21/22.

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

At Khe Sanh a sign read "For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never knew".