Never had a fox on my kill, but birds and ?, that took a front shoulder of a Caribou in Alaska. A family of Pine Martens tried to take ownership of a cow elk, that I had prepped to pack, a few years ago in Wyoming. They were determined that I had killed her for them. I am sure that they had a great feast, after we got all we wanted out. While stand hunting in Idaho one morning I had a fox come down the trail I was sitting next to. He was inches from me when he finally realized what I was. Same with a couple of elk. Once a young cougar laid down under a tree near me for a nap. I was sleeping under the next tree a few feet away. When I woke up and moved so did he/she as fast as it could go. A mother bear with 2 cubs, wanted to pass me on a trail one day, after I chatted with her for a few seconds, she thought the better of it and went away. Over the years, 60+ in the woods, I have squirrels jump on my knee, martens at my feet, grouse walking between my legs, and wolves and cougars near me in the dark. It's been a great ride.