Seafire: The year 2,022 was good for me in so many ways - I had a great week fly fishing all over Montana with my visiting German friend (first time he has been able to travel from Germany in a few years).
I added MANY cool Rifles and pistols to my collection during the year.
I had a wonderful week long trip to Yakutat, Alaska for river and ocean fishing - what a beautiful (but wet!) place that is.
I got in way more than my share of Colony Varmint Hunting in the 2,022 season.
Finally got drawn for an Antelope tag (after a two year drought) in my home region and harvested a dandy wide mature Buck Antelope this fall.
Found a few "new" (to me!) roads in Montana to drive and view wildlife from.
The VarmintWife and I took three "mini-vacations" to different hot-spring resorts in western Montana (these are very relaxing).
Hosted most all of my family (in from the west coast) for a week in April - it was great to see them all here in Montana.
But, dealing with the horrors of liberalism in the way of incredible inflation, outrageous gas prices, illegal immigration, the national debt spiraling out of control, demonrats running amok and trying to destroy EVERY bastion of traditional America and American values certainly cast a pall over the whole friggin year.
Yes the evil pall of china joe biden and his whores administration and the lawlessness and criminality they have, and are, foisting upon our once great country certainly dampened my enjoyment of life A LOT during 2,022!
Last day of the year here in SW Montana woke up to 2" of new snow, bright sun and 8 Mule Deer in my front yard (one cool 3x3 Buck) - they are all fat and sassy with nary a rib showing on any of them.
Good news this, as we have been enduring record cold temperatures and snow on the ground longer than I have ever seen it in my 25 years here!
Yeah it would be great if the horrors of liberalism would "disappear" from America but sadly I am certain that will NOT be happening in 2,023.
Hold into the wind