Depends on what length bow you want. There are hunting ILF recurve risers from 13" to 23"+ . ILF limbs come in three lengths: short, medium and long. You probably want to stay with medium or long limbs for smoother draws.

I have settled on a White Feather Lark 19" ( laminated) riser for my ILF set up. It feels and looks good. More importantly if shoots well. I used to own an aluminum Hoyt Excel 21" riser (sold it, never warmed up to it). I currently own an aluminum 23" Samick Athlete riser, and will be selling it too (don't use it). I like the 19" White Feather Lark the best for my needs.

I use TradTech wood/glass "long" limbs from Lancaster Archery. Makes an amo 64" bow with a 19" riser. It is quiet, and smooth-dawing.

Remember, you don't HAVE to go the ILF route if you want a takedown recurve. You can do VERY well with a non-ILF takedown recurve. I recommend The Spyder XL (amo 64", 19" laminated wood riser) from About $150, and performs as well or better as bows costing 3x or more. I have done well with it in 3d competition.

The Spyder and Spyder XL bows are essentially a smoothed-out version of the 62" Samick Sage or 64" Samick Journey. The Sage/ Spyder starts to stack at 29". The Sage is " blocky looking", but absolutely functional. The Spyder (62" ) and Spyder XL (64" ) have the same riser, but is contoured-giving it a softer look. The Spyder XL's 64" amo length and 19" riser creates a very smooth-drawing bow out to 30" + draw lengths.. It is not only a low cost option, but one that will serve you well for many years. I have one, and really enjoy shooting it.

"Behavior accepted is behavior repeated."

"Strive to be underestimated."