Originally Posted by saddlesore
Originally Posted by alpinecrick
Originally Posted by saddlesore
Originally Posted by alpinecrick
Secondly, here in the west it is quite likely a matter of time before lead core bullets will be prohibited. Although that may not be much of a factor for you in Georgia.

Only because we live in a state that rolled over in to blue. I doubt MT and WY is close. With so few Republicans in the legislature now and Polis up for another term, what firearms we may own is may soon overshadow what we can shoot in them.

Stop it SS.
Although I’m probably more unhappy than you about Colorado being invaded by lifestyle immigrants and their politics, the science behind lead toxicity, the levels of lead toxicity in raptors, and the effect of lead toxicity on raptors, is sound.
No different than the lead shot debate 35+ years ago. Deja Vu all over again…..

Maybe raptors and water fowl, but not humans. As far as I know birds grind their food in he gizzards. Not so with humans. Lead dust in your lungs will kill you. Not so much, lead particles ingested and passed thru the intestines. I have stacked tons of lead shot and bricks for radiation shielding and have eaten lead killed rabbits, squirrels, elk deer, antelope, drank water from lead pipes when young. Many cities still deliver water in lead pipes, (Colorado Springs being one of them), many homes still have soldered copper pipe in them. Asbestos is killing me, but not lead. Only have to do a simple search of hunters
using lead bullets to see there is no viable proof. Here is one such article. https://www.themeateater.com/hunt/f...ldlife-separating-science-from-advocacy. Another farce brought on by the anti's, about like gas stoves being dangerous now.
You don't seem to grasp the problem with ingesting lead. It's not acute lead toxicity. It's chronic issues such as cognitive decline. And ingesting lead particles does result in lead entering your blood stream. That's not even debatable.