I have beagles and two GSP pointers. I bought a new Garmin Alpha 100 with 2 mini collars. Bought it before I retired ( 2 years ago) and mainly for the beagles if they took a deer in a bigger swamp bottom.

I keep some quail under a permit from Dept of Conservation. Mainly dog training and a bit of "put and take" hunting for family. I have a double Dogtra collar set and an older Dogtra single collar set. Both work great.

I have made the decision to get out of beagles. I have never even had the Alpha out of the box other than to charge. I just never hunted in a situation where it was needed.

My question is if I ever make it out west to hunt pheasants would the Alpha ever be needed? My dogs hunt close and mind well with minor correction. But I fear they could go on point in a big field and get away from me in the wind etc.

For those who have hunted there is a GPS collar system needed? I honestly don't know how to work it...lol.