Originally Posted by Dave_Spn
Originally Posted by kytrapper
Not sure where you are but some states like TN requires rubber jaws for foot steel set on land…and many states limit the size or jaw spread of the trap you can use. Please check regs for what size and type of trap you can use before you buy. There are still a few of us trappers around that would be willing to help.

Also be aware that fur won’t bring enough right now to pay for gas if running a long line.

When fur is high everyone is a trapper. When fur isn’t worth anything real trappers will still be trapping.

Show me that requirement in Tennesse, I double dog dare you.
Congratulations… my bad …. it is now only a suggestion 30 years ago when I bought my father—in-law traps , he lives in TN. it was a requirement…. the rest of the post is solid even TN specifies jaw type and spread….


I defer 45 years of trapping experience and having been there when we were fighting to keep the right to trap.. To your infinite knowledge and sharp shooting abilities…