It was Kutenay (whom I believe is posting as Otto1217 now) who cued me onto Gwynn Jones definitive tome “A History of the Vikings”…

Not often mentioned as Jones does is why did the Viking Era end?

Turns out in Western Europe at least everybody else caught up, at least in combat proficiency. Having been raised in England as I was the Battle of Stamford Bridge (1066) when Vikings under Harold Hardraada were defeated by a Saxon force under King Harold Godwinson is widely recognized as a swan song of the Vikings in England.

To claim that William the Bastard out of Normandy (AKA William the Conquerer) launched the last Viking invasion that same year as the video does is a bit of a stretch.

Sure the Normans were Frenchified Vikings but they had changed a lot from their Viking forbearers, replacing Saxon law with classic Medieval feudalism ergo setting back the rise of English civilization Centuries.

Even in backwards retrograde Celtic Ireland the Viking enclaves on the coasts were reduced to vassal states who, strangely enough, if the genetic analysis of “The Blood of the Isles” is to be believed, left surprisingly little of their DNA behind in modern Ireland.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744