Since the deceased was dropped off in that area, according to a report, was he hunting? If so, the Park Service advises carrying bear spray in a holster instead of an adequate firearm! As a long-time bear hunter, I get very annoyed with government officials who have rarely, if ever, walked isolated wilderness areas in bear country! So I responded to their page on self-protection in bear country (parks or otherwise) by informing them that their cute information was lacking. No one (officials, guides or hunters) goes after a wounded bear with bear spary! And where legal, I'd advise anyone hiking in such areas to tote a big-bore revolver in a holster rather than bear spray (as in the USA). As a Canadian, since I'm not allowed to carry a handgun, I've sworn NEVER to walk, climb or otherwise venture into known bear habitat without a shotgun or rifle of adequate force!


"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul" - Jesus