Sexual sin ‘is’ mentioned as being different than other sins...but to me, it’s NOT because it’s worse to God...but because when you sin sexually you hurt yourself deeply - it stays with you throughout your life - it’s worse for ‘you’.

Some go on and on about the "abomination" of homosexuality but they certainly don't give the same amount of credence to going on and on about the "abomination" of adultery or other sexual sins, like sex outside of marriage. And church pews likely contain a whole lot more people who are adulterers and practitioners of sex outside of marriage than they do homosexuals.

I do think this agenda-driven bullschit pertaining to forced indoctrination of this LGBTQ-whatever upon society at large (especially on children) is pretty evil and despicable. But I’m not a fan of any kind of forced indoctrination.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.