
I'm looking at a 2002 F-250 4x4 dual cab with the 7.3. Super low mileage owned by a snowbird who is selling out here in FL. KBB shows the value at around $20K, and I assume it has baked in current market conditions, etc. into its pricing algorithms.

Problem is there is no factor in the algorithm for rust, cause by our salt air near the coastline. There is body rust, especially at the bottom of the door panels and also the underside is pretty rusted up (springs, shackles, frame. On the underside structural parts it looks like surface rust, not too deep....but still.

How should I factor in the rust in the price? Some kind of percentage of overall cost. To repair it with body work and parts replacement I ballpark will cost about 5-7K.

Your thoughts welcomed, and appreciated!

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough