Originally Posted by Yoder409
A GREAT addition to your short box(es) !!!

I hunt very light. So, a lotta days, a long box is the only box I carry. They're a little more trouble to carry (unless you have a great holster like the one you have !!) but you can pull more different turkey voices out of a good long box than you can out of a good short box.

I will GUARANTEE you, that Ernie Fetters call is ALL turkey !!!!

Is the other one a Lonnie Mabry ??

I wondered if you would recognize that holster. I works great. It came with the Ernie Fetters call. That call amazes me every time I pick it up.

The other call is a Lonnie Mabry call. It is also sounds outstanding. My wife and I stopped and saw him on a trip down south. She enjoyed visiting with his wife while I enjoyed listening to his turkey hunting in the mountains experiences. As a bonus I got to bring a few calls back to Iowa.
