Originally Posted by Tarquin
Ad hominem attacks are fallacious. DBT made one against RBKA, which I exposed and then you responded to my use of logic (pointing out that DBT's response was a fallacy) by making two fallacious (ad hominem) attacks of your own. If you had a logical argument to make (and name-calling isn't one), we'd hear it. But since you've proved (with your own mouth---or fingers rather!) that all you can do is call names, you've proven (again, with your own mouth [fingers!]) that you and logic are complete strangers! grin In fact, you two are such thorough strangers, you don't even know you're strangers, as this thread conclusively proves! grin

You and your girlfriends iniiate ad homs and hostilities then whine about the backlash. Your dishonestly and lies have been noted many times. If you call yourself a Christian as a despicable liar, you don't do Christianity any service.