And how it applies to current culture.
Overton Window
Particularly sexuality and our kids.
I’m just gonna plant this seed here and see what springs up.
What brought it to mind was watching TV the other night with my Son & DIL.
A commercial showed two homosexual males kissing, and I thought out loud that I found it repulsive, which of course made the two of them gang up on me as homophobic! grin mad (They’re 36 and 34)
Anyway, it got me to thinking about how our younger kids, for Christ sakes in grammar school, are targeted by drag queens, transgender, and homosexuality.
Phuqing grade school, for tho Love of God!
I can picture Mom & Dad And our neighbors if this schit were 30 or 40 years ago.
Hell, for that matter 20 or so years when Ben was in school. Ida probably gotten locked up for a while, because assault with intent to kill would only begin to describe my reaction! grin
Targeting our kids is only one aspect. The black guy wanting to exterminate white people, the idea of reparations over slavery, hell for that matter the idea of protesting obviously stolen elections! mad
How much more ground can we patriotic lovers of America really afford to give up??? eek
I’m beyond disgusted, and I’m only praying for an opportunity to strike back without being a lone nut!
Didn’t intend to get this far into it tonight, but the more I think about it to start the thread, the more I can see the window is way off the tracks. It really whizzes me off! mad

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden