Originally Posted by auk1124
"The second and more complex tragedy is that (psycho) felt (it) had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out...."

The nutjobs just identified the real reason for these school shootings. Kids who grow up on social media feel they absolutely MUST "be seen." The internet has created a generation of vapid attention whòres, who can't handle being a perfectly average person.

Fùck "being seen." No one "sees" me. No one "sees" any of you either. We are all basically invisible to each other as we go about our lives. Somehow that is horrifying to way too many kids. So if you can't be a Kardashian, go shoot up a school.

Very true auk1124 ! ! !

I see it on Youtube , younger age group with a video camera on themselves constantly. I've gotten to the point that I click ''don't recommend this channel" A LOT as soon as I see them giving themselves a big fake/emotional close-up selfie picture.
They often talk about how they're growing their channel PLEASE LIKE/SHARE/SUBSCRIBE P L E A S E PLEASE I need attention. The same bunch who got a Trophy for showing up to little league practice.

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.