I managed to find some cooperative gobblers yesterday morning and got enough material for a podcast. Enjoy

First Time Back

This is a bit of a milestone for me. Last year, I got diagnosed with Cancer right before season started. I scheduled Chemo for May and managed to get out and bag a bird-- be damned if I was going to let it interfere with Turkey Season. Anyhow, I'm clean, I'm recovered (mostly), and I finally made it back out to the Honey Hole for a podcast.

In case you're wondering. I killed The Virginia Rambler last April, and this is the new incarnation of that bird. It's funny, but over the years, I find pretty much that the land dictates the bird. For two decades, I've been chasing a bird that roosts out a nearby ridge (Virginia) and if I manage to attract his attention, he invariably takes the long way around, following the road that leads right to my blind. Some years, The Virginia Rambler wins. Sometimes, like last year, he came a little too far along the track in search of that mystery hen.

This year's version of the 'Rambler was probably henned up and went quiet after flydown. However, season opens in a couple of weeks. My guess is he'll still be there.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer