Bend over of stop paying for your destruction and get ready for a fight. OR get organized and resist. But paying for your enemies to defeat you is what they expect from you. And why not?

It's what American have been doing for a very long time. Those on the left coast have led the way to surrender first----------- for many years,.

I am told that the 2 step solution is not realistic

Step 1 stop paying the taxes that are used to destroy your liberties.
Step 2 Be ready for actual combat.

Or avoid it all ... Simply surrender! That's what led you to this point, so we can all see how well that works. Maybe it will get you last huh?

Not realistic?
I guess those that say so have never read a brook about the history of the USA ,and how we became "not Britain" in 1776, but started the fight 14 months before that.

Cowards will be angry just like all libtards. Truth is what makes cowards and libtard mad. Those that are less then libtards are those that surrender to them with no fight at all. Not even an effort to organize a resistance.

Just too busy I guess.