Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by xphunter
I didn’t know any of the long range steel matches, PRS type matches, ever had at the very first stage for everyone (1st shot for everyone that day) was one cold bore shot at a smaller target (say 8”) at or beyond 1000 yards.
I imagine there would be a fairly good number of hits if it was at 1K, but once you start getting into the 1300 and 1400 yard distances, I would expect that hit ratio to go quite a bit lower.
I think it would be cool, but I would not expect the first attempt, completely cold bore for everyone would not have a high hit ratio.


Anyone who kills an animal at long range is usually firing a cold bore shot.

If your rifle doesn’t put the cold bore shot in the group you fire, your barrel sucks


Well, isnt a first round miss actually used as a sighter shot?
If not, it should be.
Fact is that for shots under about 1000 yds. most hunters will go for it on the first shot.
And the fact also is that in many cases an Elk or a whitetail buck will stand there and allow numerous shots to be fired at them without running off.