Sympathies, Duke61. It hurts so much to lose them. What a beautiful girl!

Cheesy and T Bone, great photos!! The two enjoying the swimming pool makes me laugh smile

RipSnort, GSP's are knows to be "velcro dogs" wanting to be around their owner(s) all the time and often get "separation anxiety"

My husband and I went to Arkansas from Minnesota to pick up our current GSP, Scout, after losing our last one at 14. Scout was surrendered back to the breeder in Arkansas. He was 1 1/2 at the time (now 4), and would be my 5th German Shorthair. My husband said no more dogs, as he did not want to go through losing another. Plus he has always been a lab guy. I wasn't giving up and wanted/needed another (or two!) At one time in the past we had a Black Lab and two GSP's. Good times! I have to figure out how to post pictures...