Subject has probably been beaten to death, but bringing that horse back to life.

8 day hunt, 7k retail, extra day of sight seeing.

Daily rate is 450

Friends PH was telling him today, typical tip is 150-180 a day for plains game, cook 200, maid 100, etc. I think that's ridiculous...

First 1/2 day and following day rained in.

Today, back in by noon due to rain

Obviously, no fault of the PH.

Dinners have been great, lunches have sucked. Same sandwich the last 4 days and yesterday it was like pulling teeth to get a hot breakfast and we had to ask.

Laundry, every other day it appears (packed for daily laundry).

Hunting has been decent, but I heard no less than a 1/2 dozen times I shot the wrong Kudu (only one in my vision when I was told to shoot). Happy nevertheless with the one I took.

Today PH was pissed that I didn't want to shoot a nice Bushbuck from a public dirt road out the window.

Otherwise I like the PH.

Long story short, thoughts on how you all would tip?