An old man went to his doctor and was urgent in his need.
“Doctor, you gotta give a double strength viagra.” He pleaded.
The doctor said, “I’m not sure that would be safe for an old man.”
The old man pleaded, “Please, I’m desperate. My girl friend is coming over on Saturday and another gal I’m hoping to get to be intimate will be coming over Sunday. Don’t you understand?”
The doctor hesitatingly said, “OK, I suppose. But if there’s any problems get to ER immediately. Otherwise come in on Monday and I’ll check you out.”
Monday came around. The old man was waiting for the doctor, his right arm was in a sling and the guy didn’t look very well.
The doctor, starteled said, “What happened to you?”
The old man sheepishly replied, “No one showed.”

Last edited by Bugger; 05/19/23.

I prefer classic.
Semper Fi
I used to run with the hare. Now I'm envious of the tortoise and I do my own stunts but rarely intentionally