Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by JoeBob
No fatties.
Food was all real back then.

Food didn't have the same function as it does for us today. It was a means to survival, and if it tasted good, that was great. No fresh vegetables after December, unless you had some cabbage or carrots in the root cellar. You ate because you had to. And you had to cook it all yourself, from scratch, without a microwave. Canned beef, yum!

I have one of my mother's old cook books. It has an entire chapter on what the least expensive ways to meet the caloric requirements for the family were. Lots of calorie comparisons, and cost comparisons for meeting your caloric minimums. Sugar and fat were both quite expensive. Lean cuts were cheaper in many cases than fattier cuts. True "home ec".

I remember eating stuff at my Grand Parents and Great Grandparents house that had been stored "the old way".

Not "good" by todays "standards", but to them it was nutrition.

I worked with my Great Uncles Dad (b. 1890's) on my Great Uncles Farm. He was intolerant of ANY waste. You ate the whole apple, including the core and did NOT spill milk when milking. He was in his eighties, walked tall, had muscle and would have kicked my farm kid ass any day of the week.

Save our kids - shoot your local drug dealer.