Good afternoon to you sir, I hope this first Friday of June finds you well.

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

As our youngest is a high school teacher down in the Lower Mainland, I have a wee bit of a glimpse into what it's like to keep employed now teaching, but can only speculate about what it might have been like back then.

We can't forget either that as a trust fund recipient, Shiny Pony would have never known or perhaps been vaguely aware of the financial pressures most teachers have during the first several years of employment, especially if they're paying down student loans.

For sure Viva spoke at length about Socks' room mate and he was involved in some extreme despicable deviant activity. The stuff the Bible indicates a millstone around the neck and being tossed into the drink would be a better option.

Of course I share your trust level in anything he does, other than as you say his ability to cover up and protect his assets.

For sure as you note, there is a distinct odor about the whole thing.

Lastly, I note that the photo at the beginning is - to me - quite telling. I can say without question that in my entire working life, much of it with male and female coworkers, I can't envision a situation where that pose - with the hand placement - would have been appropriate. Maybe I'm "special" that way Hugh, but in various work environments life was whole lot less complicated staying more physically distanced than that.

Anyways it struck me as different Hugh.

All the best to you all this weekend.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"