I just got back from Ontario. I caught over 125 walleye & about 20 pike. Caught my walleye back trolling a 5 of Diamonds with a worm harness. Biggest was 26". a couple 24 & 23, several 22". Caught some pike on top water lures---talk about FUN. Having them boil hitting the jitterbug--missing it & coming back to hit harder. We lost a couple days with weather--no way I'm going out when it's thunder & lighting. Plus there were whitecaps on the lake.

We used Walton's Kay Vee lodge on Nagagami Lake. We flew out of Hornepayne. Really nice lodge, big lake--has 130 miles of shoreline.

I've got a photo of the big walleye. I can text it to someone--if he will post it.
