Originally Posted by pricedo
... now that Ruger has taken over and judging by the two new Marlins I checked out this summer Marlin is making real guns again ... Henry ruled the roost during the Remlin years but Marlin is back and Henry will make a respectable runner up

I'll take ANY JM over a Ruger. The only thing I congratulate Ruger on is getting rid of micro groove. Was every JM off the line perfect? Hell no. And mark your calendars, there will be a Ruger recall. Its what they do. When was the last recall on a JM ? Anyone? Buhler?

The Rag Writers kicked around Marlin pretty good unjustifiably. That's their job. Hype sales. ANYTHING new is always the greatest in their eyes, look who pays them. Remington is who damn ruined the brand. Put the blame where its due

Marlin is not back. There is no Marlin anymore. Its Ruger.

America is (supposed to be) a Republic, NOT a democracy. Learn the difference, help end the lie. Fear a government that fears your guns.