Originally Posted by antlers
You can apply for Part A and Part B of Medicare starting 3 months before you turn 65.

Exactly what I did, got everything in place 3 months ahead of time.

Originally Posted by RickinTN
I knew that. And I think coverage begins the first day of your birth month.

Interesting note on when when your Medicare 'might begin'.

It can start one month early, mine did and it was like a train wreck.

IF your birth date falls on the first day on your birth month, your Medicare starts when you are 64 and 11 months of age.

Seems trivial huh?

Huge problem occurred for me as a result.

For my first month on Medicare I was also covered by my Obama Care policy.

I didn't know my Medicare had started a month early, like who would?

It's a crime to have additional insurance coverage while on Medicare if it's not reported.

No double cover or double collecting benefits allowed.

I was back to my insurance agent for a couple hours filling out forms and answering endless questions to find redemption for my sins.

In the end I was penalized for the first 10 days of my overlapping Obabam Care premium for my crime, the balance was refunded.

Nuttin like dealing with the gubberment in two different departments at the same time.

The simplest error becomes a capital crime and nightmare.

Find a good agent you feel you can trust to deal with this schit for you, it's a must have.