Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by steve4102
If by “The left” you mean the Democrats, you would be mistaken, they own the ballot box and could give two schits who or what is the Republican nominee. If fact they love the fact that Trump gives the leaders of his own party heartburn and nightmares.

If by “the Left” you mean the Democrats in Disguise also known as the Republican Establishment, the Three Mc’s and the entire RNC, You would be correct. Trump tossed a Monkey Wrench into their private little clubs money laundering schemes and now he must be gone, whatever it takes.

BS. So Trump lied the other day saying the coming election would be like none we've had before?

So Trump lied at Turning Point saying, 'Mark my words, they won't steal the coming election as we will be watching and Charley will be watching, in fact it will be as if Charley is managing the elections!'


You dumb fuggin dead beat no bet paying Texan.