My grandson was at a friend's camp. Friend's Dad let him shoot a .22. Boy shot it well, now he wants his own .22.

My SIL, his Dad, is a high end tax lawyer in New Orleans, has his own firm. They live in Old Metairie. He owned no guns, was wanting to go dove hunting with a well healed client. So, I took him behind my house, gave him a 1100 20 ga and we shot some clays over my pond. He hit a few, didn't seem too interested, just doing what he needed to do for the upcoming hunt (which never happened). With no gun in the house, I showed how to load the mag, gave him several boxes of shells. I told it to put in on a top shelf in his MBR closet. If needed, he could jerk it off the shelf, chamber a round and take care of business. Well, it's in his garage according to my daughter. Oh well.... Hope he never gets in a bind.

So with that background, SIL suggested instead of a .22, the boy needed a BB gun. Those things can be dangerous with bounce back, reminded him of that movie. I'm thinking a good pellet rifle, maybe CO2. SIL not yet ready yet for the boy to have a .22. So, I guess baby steps.

What do you guys think? Suggestions?

A story on my SIL that I posted some time ago. They were visiting and we had just gotten in from a wedding. He saw a coon run up a pecan tree. Coons poop on our porches, wife had declared them no bueno, so I kill'em. I asked which tree; he told me. I got my 8 3/8" K-22, took a light (it was dark), shined the coon and dropped him with the pistol. Daughter and SIL were standing on my front porch, at least 30 yds from the coon tree. His comment, "Wow, this is my first hunting trip". So you see what the grandson is up against getting a rifle.

With that background, what would you guys recommend?