Not an Elk, but a deer. I was bow hunting and had a Whitetail doe slip into range from my stand. I took the shot and came down pretty quick since I thought I heard her crash. Walked over, picked up my arrow that had good blood on it. I never bothered to look for a blood trail since I thought I heard her go down. It was about dark and couldn’t find her. I wandered around looking and realized I was really turned around. I could still see some light coming from a power line right of way opening that I was familiar with and walked toward it. I was about to step out into the opening when at my feet was the dead doe. Drove my truck to her and went on my way!

Faith and love of others knows no mileage nor bounds. That's simply the way it is.

After the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
Italian Proverb