Jim in Idaho: What problem are YOU trying to/did solve with the larger surface Volquartsen firing pin?
I never recall a 22 L.R. cartridge failing to detonate in ANY of my Ruger MK-1's, MK-II's, MK-III's or MK-IV's! And I fire many hundreds of those cartridges per year through those pistols.
And this - the triggers on my 3 Ruger MK-IV's work fine for me on Ground Squirrels as I have laser ranged confirmed kills with them out to 75 yards (red dot sight aided).
I have installed LOTS of Volquartsen "upgrade" parts on various Rifles but have as yet to do such on any of my Ruger MK pistols - convince me - I foresee a long winter here in Montana and need some projects.
Hold into the wind