Originally Posted by kwg020
Originally Posted by Burleyboy
Originally Posted by Slavek
Biggest loosers of Wold War II. The british government charged them for training, weapons,...... I wonder if Polish Government in exile had to pay for funerals of those killed in defense of britain. Yes, would not surprise me one bit.
The british did not even let them march in victory parade because that could upset Stalin. They told those pilots to leave England and go home. The Poles have handed over weapons to Ukrainians for free and signed contracts with Americans, South Koreans, British for billions of dollars, new bumper country against Russian expansion into Europe. Mercenary idiots of the world.

They were treated terrible after the war and then deported back to Poland where the Russians treated them even worse.The Brits should be ashamed at how they treated them.

Let's face it, the Brits are just one messed up bunch of leftist retards on a number of issues. They deserve to be overrun by moslems and their culture destroyed. Only the Germans are as stupid.


They are reaping what they sowed. It is only fitting they become servants of colonials. Same for the Germans. The first concentration camps were established by them in Africa, long before they appeared in Germany and German-occupied Europe of World War II.