It's always a waiting game.

Getting out of the coastal villages on a snow machine, especially Dillingham might not happen.

But up by the lakes around Aleknagik there might be some snow before the end of the month when the season normally closes.

It's never good snow and it's slow going and bumpy as hell until you reach higher elevations but at least if you can get a sled to the kill sight it makes bringing home those quarters easy.

I've waited it out down to the last 4 or 5 days before I could zigzag my way through the nig_gerheads to make my way out and back.

If you can get out its seldom a problem finding moose being no ones been out stirring them up for a good while.

Tough on the equipment but easier than carrying a moose out on your back if you're not fortunate enough to catch a bull along a lake or river shore during the early season.

Another down side is there seems to never be any of any fat on those bulls in late December after the rut.