In my woods and property I’m fortunate to have every variety from the ornery reds, big fat grays, black squirrels and big golden Fox squirrels. I’ve found on heavy wind days when there are no leaves most, except reds and Chipmunks, stay close to their nests hanging on. In heavy rains only the Fox Squirrels come out to feeders or to pick up acorns. They just put those long tails over their backs like foul weather gear and keep at it. One year living in NH the population almost vanished then I learned from the old timers the Fisher Cats had moved in and they are hard on squirrels and porcupines. I learned a great hunting trick from some muzzle loading old time squirrel hunters. They used to locate a live tree then hang their coat on a nearby tree or bush. The squirrels would then see the jacket and move to the far side of the tree hiding but open for a shot
