Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
Originally Posted by Muddly
If its a good hit and I just finish it off, it's the other fella's. If it was a poor shot, I'll wait to tag and see if someone comes a lookin'. If not, it's mine. It's SHAMEFUL how many folk don't follow up on a shot. You don't always find blood/ hair.
If it was a kid shooting, I don't care if it's a Booner, it goes to the kid.
Giving up a deer to a kid feels GOOD. Once had a broke leg doe come by. I dropped her and walked over. About the same time ,here comes Dad and a kid. The kid looked crushed and Dad had that " Oh no" look.
I said " Good shot kid!" " Can't believe that close and I hit it the leg".
I think the boy peed a little he was so excited. Just gave Dad a wink and walked off.
The LORD sent me a whopper doe the next day.
Even though possession is 10/10ths of the law in the woods, IT'S ONLY A CRITTER. Be nice about it and maybe ya make a new friend?
Where's the "like" button?

I will double that like. Muddly, you are a good man. 👍👍