Originally Posted by simonkenton7
In 1979 I was 28 years old. I was living in Atlanta. I was working with a 20 year old guy. He said that he and all his friends went down to the Peachtree Battle theater at midnight on Friday to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. He had seen it 11 times!

One Friday night my girlfriend and I went down to the Peachtree Battle theater. This movie was some weird stuff. There was Tim Curry, wearing black leather bra and panties, singing his song "I'm just a sweet transexual, transvestite, from Transylvania..."

There was a scene where Susan Sarandon was standing out on the porch in the rain. Every kid in the theater pulled out a squirt gun, and squirted water into the air. Sandra and I got soaked.

In another scene, Tim and Susan had a bottle of champagne. Tim poured it into champagne glasses. They had a toast, get it? Every kid in the theater pulled out a piece pf toast, a slice of bread cooked in the toaster, and flung it at the big screen like a Frisbee. 400 pieces of toast in the air.

Sandra and I left the theater saying "What the f*** was that?"
I guess you had to be 20 years old to understand Rocky Horror Picture Show.

When the squirt guns come out you're supposed to get out newspaper to make an impromptu umbrella.

What would Porter Rockwell do?