In 1966 Kris was living in Nashville. He was just another broke rookie songwriter, working as a janitor at a recording studio. Every ten days, he drove to New Orleans. He had a part time job, to fly workers out to the oil platforms in the Gulf. Boring job, he called the Gulf "The Bathtub" because flying out there was about as exciting as taking a bath.

He did have an agent there in Nashville. One night at a Nashville party, the agent said "Here ya go Kris. Me And Bobby McGee. This is your next song. The name Bobby can be either for a guy, or for a girl, get it?" Kris said WTF? and ignored the guy.

A month later Kris ran into his agent again, and the guy said "Well have you written Me And Bobby McGee yet? You better get to work!" Tired of being nagged by his agent, on those long boring flights over the Gulf, Kris wrote the song.