Wife and I did an Alaska cruise this past summer. One of the ports we stopped in was Juneau and had a whale watching tour booked. The tour company said we had perfect timing as they had 2 places where whales were being consistently seen. At the first place we had humpbacks all around us and they are HUUUGE! After 30 minutes we headed over to the "good" area. As we arrived the tour guide said to watch for the birds . They are the indicators for the location of the whales as they are bubble feeding. As soon as the birds dive for the water, start the video. We got to witness bubble feeding 5 or 6 times in 45 minutes. Quite a rare treat and loved every minute! Alaska is Amazing!!

Elk Country

"I refuse to waste my common sense on those who have been educated beyond their intelligence"

All you need to know about Democrats is they call American citizens "Deplorables" and illegal immigrants "Dreamers"!