I'm nearsighted. Scrip is -2.25 for contacts for 20/20 distance vision.

I was getting blurred vision looking through scopes when shooting 15-20 round relays. Eye strain. I'd have to check up, look away from scope, look at distant objects to settle eyes.

Thought I'd try shooting scopes without the contacts or eye glasses. Focused reticle against sky, etc until sharp. Eye strain gone.

When I used to shoot service rifle AR15 I requested optometrist for contact scrip -1.75. This allowed me to have fairly sharp resolution of front sight post through hooded rear aperture. Black bull was a somewhat fuzzy ball, but so what. Fuzzy ball size never changed. On front sight post I made a pencil mark diagonal across post. If pencil mark was resolved my sight focus is proper for me.

None of the above works for hunting though. But I'm not looking through scope for very long that causes eye strain.

Hope Swarovski fixes up yer scope castnblast!