Thanks for your efforts in finding/posting the tunes (have not yet tried to do that on this site). Lots of recall. There was major evolution of rock/pop stuff through that decade.

Made really good money playing mostly weekends 1960 through 1962 while in college - life sustaining for us - still have a bunch of those tunes in my head, and bass lines in the fingers.

Kept at it through that decade (although not every weekend) and rode the transition through Beatles and all else that went down here, in GB and some in Aus. The horns-added stuff that came later in the 60s was more fun - BST, etc. - liked to play those insts.

The rock/etc. stuff got old and by the mid 70s was not paying very much attention at all - heavier into jazz and classical performing by then. But - great spot in my ears/heart for what this thread is about. Thanks again.

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