Just adding to the information here, not saying good or evil----The largest genealogy worksite in the world is run by the Mormons, and located in solid granite canyon virtually A bomb proof. Members are encouraged to do genealogy work for non-members, both dead and alive. Baptism for the dead, so they can admitted to heaven is part of the every day Temple work performed in 1000s of Temples across the world.
One of the most up to date genetic research labs in the world is at BYU. At least 100s of DNA samples are analyzed daily. The FBI and CIA would be happy to have access to it. The purpose? Establish a genetic pathway from the middle eastern tribes that came to the Central American region to hide the golden plates and prove the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. Ever wonder why Myrid genetics was in SLC and Delphi was in Provo?

Most people don't have what it takes to get old