My hat's off to all those of us here of 'crystal ball clarity' in postulating value with so many unknowns. Available info only of a 95 Lowe Chilean mauser, sporterized with D&T and scope info. The fact of O/P summary as "nicely sporterized" without more, he's absolutely best positioned to objectively value the rifle! For the rest of us to assist... Where are all the other details and, all considered, 'the pix'! No info as to 'bobbed' original stock or aftermarket commercial; barrel length; iron sights - as original or 'other'. The 'chambering unknown' tag may just be customary seller disclaimer or such portending custom chambering. The point of my short - hopefully taken as friendly - rant, the term "rush to judgement...!"

What we do know is that despite the quality of these Lowe rifles genre, as modified simply wild cards! The mix of "old & new" as rifle & scope, to me, not conjuring a happy mix. Quite possible, particularly in 7mm Mauser, yet very functional & useful shooter. Beyond... "Beauty in the eye of the beholder".

Sorry if stepping on toes, but believing my viewpoint here, the "realistic take"!