Our company president lived in Pittsburgh, and had season tickets for many of the pro and Pitt sports.

One day he started trying to talk sports with me.
Who was "My"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣team? (Ain't got enough $$to own a team)

Then "what sports do you like"?

"Lenny, I hate sports. When I turn on the radio to hear music, I get a stupid wrestling match, or football game. If I want the news, they make me listen to 15 minutes of basketball crap to give me 2 minutes of weather and worthwhile news.

Have you ever wondered what we could accomplish with the money and effort dedicated to sports? Deadly diseases get a half million dollars in research, if they are lucky. Doctors and nurses pay tuition fees for decades. Penn State probably gets $5 to 10 million dollars for every home game. Poor kids can't afford an education."

He mumbled "Never thought about it" and walked away.

Used to NGAS about sports.
My former jobs were solitary or among real folks who had lives and didn't care about sports. The last 20 years have changed that. I had never knew how bad it was until this job. It never ends. They are still talking football, now wrestling. Basketball doesn't get too much talk at work, but everywhere else it'll be non stop for months.
Hockey, into baseball, football nonstop.

Some days I eat at my machine just to enjoy a sports BS free break.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!